The Global Female Leaders Summit is a key event for women who are leaders in their fields or aspiring to be. Over the years, the summit has featured a lineup of extraordinary speakers. Curious about the changes in their careers and lives, the organizers reached out to some past speakers for updates.
Climate change is inevitable. Reason enough for entrepreneurs and managers to think about sustainable solutions in all areas: What is the role of executives in implementing sustainable transformation and can renewable energy sources fully meet our overall needs?
To an audience drawn from business leaders around the world, Audrey Tang is a breath of fresh air and inspiration. The Minister is quietly confident that challenges are there to be overcome, and without a second thought, they apply the creative thought processes and deploy the resources required to overcome them.
For Xenia, home office has been the normal state of affairs for 20 years. And it takes the COVID 19 pandemic for her to stop justifying herself! And her team has an even bigger gain from it.
Additional work, family life and keeping her team together at Webasto have shaped Christine Cheminay's work for the past year. She has benefited greatly from her inner attitude.
With the start of the pandemic, Asher Jay was slowed down from a hundred to zero. The initial uncertainty very quickly gave way to inner contemplation, from which a new company and deepened self-understanding as a leader emerged.
At the same time as the pandemic began, Ilka Hartmann started a new job and had to throw all considerations overboard and turn the concepts completely upside down.