Speaker Sorana Parvulescu

Sorana Parvulescu

Partner EMEA, Global Risks Analysis | Control Risks, UAE

For the last two decades Sorana has been helping government and private organisations to understand how their strategies and policies might be exposed to geopolitical risks and to help them respond to and prepare for geopolitical uncertainty. She sits on Control Risks’ EMEA regional ExCo and leads Control Risks’ global risk analysis team for the region, which includes over 50 geopolitical and country risk experts of 20+ nationalities, half of whom are women. 
Sorana is a regular speaker at global and regional conferences and has been quoted by various media outlets, including Bloomberg, Reuters, and the Financial Times. She was ranked in 2021 and 2022 as a leading practitioner in political risk and crisis management by Chambers & Partners. She lives in Dubai with her two wonderful kids and her very supportive husband. 

Photo: ©GRAHAM FLACK  07747 015131

Meet Sorana Parvulescu at the Global Female Leaders Summit


Agenda Items



Day One

How Business Continuity Challenges Shape Good Governance - Insights from Global Leaders

Executive Panel Discussion | Moderated by Melinda Crane

Donya-Florence Amer | Hapag-Lloyd, Germany
Sorana Parvulescu | Control Risks, UAE
Elisabeth Stheeman | Edinburgh Investment Trust PLC, United Kingdom



Day Two

Building Resilience for our Future: Geopolitical Scenarios for 2035

Think Tank Academy | Session of your choice

Sorana Parvulescu | Control Risks, UAE
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