Speaker Tell Münzing

Tell Münzing

Managing Director | 1Transformation, Germany

Tell, founder of 1Transformation GmbH focuses on fostering the holistic inner and outer development of the individual and organisations. Tell has worked globally on connecting the transformation themes of sustainability, strategy, corporate culture & leadership development, and innovation. His experience is both cross-sector and cross-functional. For over a decade, he has been working with the pioneers of coaching on the development of corporate culture, leadership development and performance coaching at the London based Performance Consultants International. At SustainAbility Ltd, the pioneering think tank, he served global blue-chip companies, financial institutions NGOs and initiatives such as the Global Reporting Initiative. He is on the advisory board for strategic sustainability management at HNE Eberswalde and alumnus of the Bucerius Global Governance school of Die Zeit, and Responsible Leader of BMW Foundation. Tell holds a diploma in economics from Universität Göttingen and an MSc from the School of Environmental Sciences University, East Anglia.

Meet Tell Münzing at the Global Female Leaders Summit


Agenda Items



Day One

Transform to Flourish – From Insights to Impacts

Think Tank Academy | Session of your choice

Katharina Roehrig | Melitta Group, Germany
Tell Münzing | 1Transformation, Germany
© Management Circle AG 2025